
Next ways explored, well in hand of FEREI

Patent AOTOAO System Technology
FEREI AOTOAO Patent Technology : Because of the up and down ratchet wheels's all-geared system driving principle, the force is that rapid transmitted and high efficiency driving.

There are big gaps between the no-working side of hub and ratchet wheel so that they are easier to maintain and support services. In addition, the ratchet wheels have uniformly forces because the up and down wheels apply to many springs to clutch work, and make sure every time clutch works can be finished completely. It can be make sure the up and down ratchet wheels finished all-geared driving work fully that not appear to the break away from geared work conditions.
Patent Magnetic System Technology
FEREI FCT patented technology (magnetic coupling system), it offers convenience in maintenance and versatile options for customization (allowing the replacement of couplers with different gear ratios). The FCT technology preserves the advantages of the first-generation toothed engagement mechanism while introducing a completely new design that significantly improves the performance metrics we care about in hub systems. The new-generation hub structure is simpler and lighter, maintaining excellent durability and rigidity. Additionally, disassembly and maintenance are made simpler.

FEREI FBP hub structure patented technology, which positions the left/right bearings inside the hub shell away from the center, effectively extending the lever arm. This ensures strength while allowing the use of lighter bearings without compromising the lifespan of the hub. The outward positioning of the bearings provides enhanced support, forming a sealed chamber with the bearings on the free hub and drive side, offering superior dust protection.
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Each FEREI product is made with care for detail, FEREI wheelset are all made by High-pressure, entirely handmade weaving; intricate handcrafting results in reduced aerodynamic drag and increased strength.
CNC Engineer performance
FEREI Hub axle core and side cover feature a threaded joint design, which rigorously tests the precision processing requirements. This not only provides convenience during the disassembly and reassembly of the wheelset, eliminating the need for readjusting disc brakes, but also addresses the drawbacks of traditional press-fit side covers. The wear of anti-loosening rubber rings in thesecovers can lead to hub misalignment and cover loss

FEREI Hub large flange design, with an increased width on the drive side flange, enhances lateral rigidity.
each spoke seamlessly integrates with the wheel rim for optimal comfort
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Contact: Alice Deng

Tel.: +86 755 8480 7942

Mobile: +86 181 2393 7631

Email: ferei@ferei.com

Address: 3rd Industrial Zone, No.60, Xiakeng 2nd Rd , Tongde Community, Baolong Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen , 518116, China.

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